www.gusucode.com > Typesetter CMS v5.0.3PHP源码程序 > Typesetter CMS v5.0.3/Typesetter/Typesetter/include/admin/Addon/Installer.php


namespace gp\admin\Addon;

defined('is_running') or die('Not an entry point...');

 * Things that could be done previous to installer
 *	- Install_CheckIni() (warning about installing a lesser version)
class Installer extends \gp\admin\Addon\Tools{

	//configuration options
	public $source = '';
	public $config_index = 'addons';
	public $code_folder_name = '_addoncode';

	public $new_layout = array();
	public $default_layout = false;

	//remote install
	public $remote_install = false;
	public $type;
	public $id;
	public $order;

	public $rm_folders = true;

	//used internally
	public $addon_folder;
	public $addon_folder_rel;
	public $data_folder;
	public $dest = '';
	public $dest_name;
	public $trash_path;
	public $config_cache;
	public $config;
	public $layouts_cache;
	public $ini_contents;
	public $ini_text = '';
	public $upgrade_key;
	public $config_key;
	public $has_hooks = false;
	public $display_name = '';

	public $messages = array();

	public function __construct(){}

	 * Install an addon
	 * $this->source should already be set
	public function Install(){
		global $langmessage;

		$success = $this->InstallSteps();

		if( !$this->remote_install && !is_dir($this->source) ){
			$this->message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (Source not found)');
			return false;

		if( $success ){
			$this->message( sprintf($langmessage['installed'], $this->display_name ) );


		return $success;

	 * Get and install addon from a remote source
	 * @param string $type Type of addon (plugin or theme)
	 * @param int $id Addon id
	 * @param int $order Purchase order id
	public function InstallRemote( $type, $id, $order = null ){
		global $langmessage;

		// check values
		if( empty($type) ){
			$this->message($langmessage['OOPS'].' - Invalid Request (type)');
			return false;

		if( empty($id) || !ctype_digit($id) ){
			$this->message($langmessage['OOPS'].' - Invalid Request (id)');
			return false;

		$this->remote_install	= true;
		$this->type				= $type;
		$this->id				= (int)$id;

		if( !is_null($order) ){
			$this->order			= (int)$order;

		return $this->Install();

	public function OutputMessages(){
		foreach($this->messages as $msg){

	 * Remove an addon from the site configuration
	 * Delete code folders if needed
	public function Uninstall( $addon ){
		global $config, $langmessage, $gp_titles, $gp_menu, $gp_index;


		$addon_config = \gp\tool\Plugins::GetAddonConfig($addon);
		if( !$addon_config ){
			$this->message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (Already uninstalled)');


		//remove links
		$installedGadgets = $this->GetInstalledComponents($config['gadgets'],$addon);

		//remove from gp_index, gp_menu
		$installedLinks = $this->GetInstalledComponents($gp_titles,$addon);
		foreach($installedLinks as $index){
			if( isset($gp_menu[$index]) ){
			$title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($index);
			if( $title ){


		if( !\gp\admin\Tools::SaveAllConfig() ){
			return false;


		//Record the history
		$this->addonHistory[] = $this->UninstallHistory($addon_config);

		if( $addon_config['order'] ){
			$img_path = \gp\tool::IdUrl('ci');

		return true;

	 * Delete the code & data folders for an addon
	 * @param array $addon_config
	private function RemoveFolders($addon_config){

		if( !$this->rm_folders ){

		//only delete code if remote installation
		if( isset($addon_config['remote_install']) && $addon_config['remote_install'] ){

			$installFolder = $addon_config['code_folder_full'];
			if( file_exists($installFolder) ){


		//only delete data if data_folder is not empty
		if( !empty($addon_config['data_folder']) ){
			$dataFolder = $addon_config['data_folder_full'];
			if( file_exists($dataFolder) ){

	 * Prepare a history record for the addon history
	 * @param array $addon_config
	public function UninstallHistory($addon_config){

		$history			= array();
		$history['name']	= $addon_config['name'];
		$history['action']	= 'uninstalled';
		$history['time']	= time();

		if( isset($addon_config['id']) ){
			$history['id'] = $addon_config['id'];

		return $history;

	 * Run through the installation process
	public function InstallSteps(){
		global $dataDir, $langmessage;

		$this->GetAddonData();			// addonHistory
		$this->Init_PT();				// $this->config

		//get from remote
		if( $this->remote_install && !$this->GetRemote() ){
			return false;

		//check ini contents
		if( !$this->CheckIni() ){
			return false;



		if( !$this->PrepConfig() ){
			return false;

		if( !$this->CheckFile() ){
			return false;

		if( !$this->Hooks() ){
			return false;

		if( !$this->Layout() ){
			return false;

		//move new addon folder into place
		if( !$this->FinalizeFolder() ){
			return false;

		if( !$this->FinalizeConfig() ){
			return false;

		// Save
		if( !\gp\admin\Tools::SaveAllConfig() ){
			$this->message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (Configuration not saved)');
			return false;

		if( !is_null($this->order) ){
			$img_path = \gp\tool::IdUrl('ci');


		return true;


	 * Prepare $this->config and make sure $this->addon_folder exists
	public function Init_PT(){
		global $config, $dataDir, $gpLayouts;

		if( !isset($config[$this->config_index]) ){
			$config[$this->config_index] = array();

		$this->config			=& $config[$this->config_index];
		$this->config_cache		= $config;
		$this->layouts_cache	= $gpLayouts;

		if( !$this->addon_folder_rel ){
			if( $this->remote_install ){
				$this->addon_folder_rel = '/data/'.$this->code_folder_name;
				$this->addon_folder_rel = '/'.basename( dirname($this->source) );
		$this->addon_folder = $dataDir.$this->addon_folder_rel;


	 * Check the Ini contents
	protected function CheckIni(){

		$this->display_name = basename($this->source);
		if( !$this->GetINI($this->source,$error) ){

			//local themes don't need addon.ini files
			if( empty($this->new_layout) ){
				$this->message( $error );
				return false;

		return true;

	 * Set the install destination
	protected function SetDestination(){

		$this->config_key	= \gp\admin\Addon\Tools::UpgradePath($this->ini_contents,$this->config_index);
		$this->upgrade_key	= $this->config_key;

		if( $this->remote_install ){
			if( $this->config_key ){
				$this->dest = $this->addon_folder.'/'.$this->config_key;
				$this->dest = $this->TempFile();
			$this->dest = $this->source;
		$this->dest_name = basename($this->dest);

		if( !$this->config_key ){
			$this->config_key = $this->dest_name;

	 * The data folder will not always be the same as the addon folder
	protected function DataFolder(){
		global $dataDir;

		if( !empty($this->config[$this->config_key]['data_folder']) ){
			$this->data_folder = $this->config[$this->config_key]['data_folder'];
		}elseif( !empty($this->upgrade_key) && file_exists( $dataDir.'/data/_addondata/'.$this->upgrade_key) ){
			$this->data_folder = $this->upgrade_key;
			$this->data_folder = $this->dest_name;

	 * Prepare the configuration array for installation
	public function PrepConfig(){

		if( !$this->has_hooks ){
			return true;

		//make sure we have an array
		if( !isset($this->config[$this->config_key]) ){
			$this->config[$this->config_key] = array();
		}elseif( !is_array($this->config[$this->config_key]) ){
			$this->message('$this->config[addon] is not an array');
			return false;

		return true;

	 * Get the Ini contents and check values
	 * @return bool
	public function GetINI($ini_dir,&$error){
		global $langmessage;

		$error		= false;
		$ini_file	= $ini_dir.'/Addon.ini';

		if( !file_exists($ini_file) ){
			$error = sprintf($langmessage['File_Not_Found'],' <em>'.$ini_file.'</em>');
			return false;

		$this->ini_text							= file_get_contents($ini_file);
		$this->ini_contents						= \gp\tool\Ini::ParseString($this->ini_text);
		$this->ini_contents['source_folder']	= dirname($ini_file);

		if( !$this->ini_contents ){
			$error = $langmessage['Ini_Error'].' '.$langmessage['Ini_Submit_Bug'];
			$error = preg_replace('#href="[^"]+"#','href="'.CMS_DOMAIN.'/Docs/Addon.ini"',$error);
			return false;


		if( !isset($this->ini_contents['Addon_Name']) ){
			$error = $langmessage['Ini_No_Name'].' '.$langmessage['Ini_Submit_Bug'];
			return false;

		if( isset($this->ini_contents['Addon_Unique_ID']) && !is_numeric($this->ini_contents['Addon_Unique_ID']) ){
			$error = 'Invalid Unique ID';
			return false;

		// Check Versions
		if( !empty($this->ini_contents['min_gpeasy_version']) && version_compare($this->ini_contents['min_gpeasy_version'], gpversion,'>') ){
			$error = sprintf($langmessage['min_version'],$this->ini_contents['min_gpeasy_version']).' '.$langmessage['min_version_upgrade'];
			return false;

		$this->display_name = $this->ini_contents['Addon_Name'];

		return true;

	 * Does it have addon hooks?
	public function HasHooks(){

		foreach($this->ini_contents as $key => $value){
			if( is_array($value) ){
				$this->has_hooks = true;


	 * Parse the ini a second time with variables
	public function IniContents(){
		global $dataDir, $dirPrefix;
		$folder = basename($this->dest);

		$variables = array(
					'{$addon}'				=> $folder,
					'{$plugin}'				=> $folder,
					'{$dataDir}'			=> $dataDir,
					'{$dirPrefix}'			=> $dirPrefix,
					'{$addonRelativeData}'	=> \gp\tool::GetDir('/data/_addondata/'.$this->data_folder),
					'{$addonRelativeCode}'	=> \gp\tool::GetDir($this->addon_folder_rel.'/'.$folder),

		$this->ini_contents = \gp\tool\Ini::ParseString($this->ini_text,$variables);

	 * Add hooks to configuration
	public function Hooks(){
		global $langmessage, $config;

		if( !$this->has_hooks ){
			return true;

		//needs to be before other gadget functions
		$installedGadgets = $this->GetInstalledComponents($config['gadgets'],$this->config_key);

		$gadgets = $this->ExtractFromInstall($this->ini_contents,'Gadget:');
		$gadgets = $this->CleanGadgets($gadgets);

		//remove gadgets that were installed but are no longer part of package
		$gadgetNames = array_keys($gadgets);
		$toRemove = array_diff($installedGadgets,$gadgetNames);

		//add new gadgets to GetAllGadgets handler
		$toAdd = array_diff($gadgetNames,$installedGadgets);

		//admin links
		$Admin_Links = $this->ExtractFromInstall($this->ini_contents,'Admin_Link:');
		$Admin_Links = $this->CleanLinks($Admin_Links,'Admin_');

		//special links
		$Special_Links = $this->ExtractFromInstall($this->ini_contents,'Special_Link:');
		$Special_Links = $this->CleanLinks($Special_Links,'Special_','special');

		//generic hooks

		return true;

	 * Create a layout
	public function Layout(){
		global $gpLayouts, $langmessage, $config, $page;

		if( empty($this->new_layout) ){
			return true;

		if( $this->has_hooks ){
			$this->new_layout['addon_key'] = $this->config_key;
		if( isset($this->ini_contents['Addon_Unique_ID']) && is_numeric($this->ini_contents['Addon_Unique_ID']) ){
			$this->new_layout['addon_id'] = $this->ini_contents['Addon_Unique_ID'];
		if( isset($this->ini_contents['Addon_Version']) ){
			$this->new_layout['version'] = $this->ini_contents['Addon_Version'];
		if( isset($this->ini_contents['Addon_Name']) ){
			$this->new_layout['name'] = $this->ini_contents['Addon_Name'];

		$temp					= $this->TempFile();
		$layout_id				= basename($temp);
		$gpLayouts[$layout_id]	= $this->new_layout;

		if( $this->default_layout ){
			$config['gpLayout'] = $layout_id;

		return true;

	 * Rename the temp folder to the dest folder
	public function FinalizeFolder(){

		if( !$this->remote_install ){
			return true;

		if( file_exists($this->dest) ){
			$this->trash_path = $this->TempFile();
			if( !@rename($this->dest,$this->trash_path) ){
				$this->message('Existing destination not renamed');
				return false;

		//rename temp folder
		if( rename($this->source,$this->dest) ){
			return true;

		$this->message('Couldn\'t rename to destination');
		return false;

	 * Finalize the configuration
	public function FinalizeConfig(){
		global $langmessage, $config;

		if( !$this->has_hooks ){
			return true;

		//code folder
		$this->config[$this->config_key]['code_folder_part'] = $this->addon_folder_rel.'/'.$this->dest_name;
		$this->config[$this->config_key]['data_folder'] = $this->data_folder;

		//general configuration

		if( $this->remote_install ){
			$this->config[$this->config_key]['remote_install'] = true;

		if( count($this->new_layout) ){
			$this->config[$this->config_key]['is_theme'] = true;

		//proof of purchase
		if( isset($this->ini_contents['Proof of Purchase']) && isset($this->ini_contents['Proof of Purchase']['order']) ){
			$this->order = $this->ini_contents['Proof of Purchase']['order'];
			$this->config[$this->config_key]['order'] = $this->order;


		return true;

	public function UpdateHistory(){

		if( !$this->has_hooks ){

		// History
		$history = array();
		$history['name'] = $this->config[$this->config_key]['name'];
		$history['action'] = 'installed';
		if( isset($this->config[$this->config_key]['id']) ){
			$history['id'] = $this->config[$this->config_key]['id'];
		$history['time'] = time();

		$this->addonHistory[] = $history;


	 * Run the Install_Check.php file if it exists
	 * @return bool
	public function CheckFile(){
		$check_file = $this->source.'/Install_Check.php';
		if( !file_exists($check_file) ){
			return true;
		$success = true;

		if( function_exists('Install_Check') ){
			$success = Install_Check();
		$msg = ob_get_clean();
		if( !empty($msg) ){

		return $success;

	 * Return the path of a non-existant file
	 * Make sure the name won't conflict with names of addons or layouts
	public function TempFile(){
		global $config, $gpLayouts, $dataDir;

			$file = \gp\tool::RandomString(7,false);
			$full_dest = $this->addon_folder.'/'.$file;
			$data_dest = $dataDir.'/data/_addondata/'.$file;

			|| array_key_exists($file, $config['addons'])
			|| array_key_exists($file, $config['themes'])
			|| array_key_exists($file, $gpLayouts)
			|| file_exists($full_dest)
			|| file_exists($data_dest)

		return $full_dest;

	 * Recursive copy folder
	public function CopyAddonDir($fromDir,$toDir){

		if( !\gp\tool\Files::CheckDir($toDir) ){
			return 'Copy failed: '.$fromDir.' to '.$toDir;

		$files = scandir($fromDir);
		if( $files === false ){
			return 'scandir failed: '.$fromDir;

		foreach($files as $file){

			if( strpos($file,'.') === 0){

			$fullFrom = $fromDir.'/'.$file;
			$fullTo = $toDir.'/'.$file;

			if( is_dir($fullFrom) ){
				$result = self::CopyAddonDir($fullFrom,$fullTo);
				if( $result !== true ){
					return $result;

			//If the destination file already exists, it will be overwritten.
			if( !copy($fullFrom,$fullTo) ){
				return 'Copy failed: '.$fullFrom.' to '.$fullTo.' (2)';

		return true;

	 * Undo changes
	public function Failed(){
		global $config, $gpLayouts;

		if( is_array($this->config_cache) ){
			$config		= $this->config_cache;
			$gpLayouts	= $this->layouts_cache;

		if( isset($this->trash_path) && file_exists($this->trash_path) ){


	public function message($message){
		$this->messages[] = $message;

	 * Get a stored order/purchase id
	 * @param int addon id
	public function GetOrder($id){
		if( !is_numeric($id) ){

		foreach( $this->config as $folder => $info ){
			if( !empty($info['id'])
				&& $id == $info['id']
				&& !empty($info['order'])
					return $info['order'];

	 * Get the remote package
	public function GetRemote(){
		global $langmessage, $dataDir;

		// download url
		$download_url = \gp\admin\Tools::RemoteUrl( $this->type );

		// allowed to remote install?
		if( $download_url === false ){
			$this->message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (Can\'t remote install '.$this->type.')');
			return false;

		$download_url .= '?cmd=install&id='.rawurlencode($this->id);

		// purchase order id
		if( is_null($this->order) ){
			$this->order = $this->GetOrder($this->id);

		if( !is_null($this->order) ){
			$download_url .= '&order='.rawurlencode($this->order);

		// able to remote install?
		if( !\gp\admin\Tools::CanRemoteInstall() ){
			$this->message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (Can\'t remote install)');
			return false;

		// get package from remote
		$getter			= new \gp\tool\RemoteGet();
		$full_result 	= $getter->Get($download_url);
		if( (int)$full_result['response']['code'] < 200 && (int)$full_result['response']['code'] >= 300 ){
			$this->message( $langmessage['download_failed'] .' (1)');
			return false;

		// download failed and a message was sent
		if( isset($full_result['headers']['x-error']) ){
			$this->message( htmlspecialchars($full_result['headers']['x-error']) );
			$this->message( sprintf($langmessage['download_failed_xerror'],'href="'.self::DetailUrl($_POST['type'],$_POST['id']).'" data-cmd="remote"') );
			return false;

		$result			= $full_result['body'];
		$md5			=& $full_result['headers']['x-md5'];
		$package_md5	= md5($result);

		//check md5
		if( $package_md5 != $md5 ){
			$this->message( $langmessage['download_failed_md5'].' <br/> (Package Checksum '.$package_md5.' != Expected Checksum '.$md5.')' );
			return false;

		//save contents
		$tempfile = $dataDir.\gp\tool\FileSystem::TempFile('/data/_temp/addon','.zip');
		if( !\gp\tool\Files::Save($tempfile,$result) ){
			$this->message( $langmessage['download_failed'].' (Package not saved)' );
			return false;

		$this->source		= $this->TempFile();
		$success			= $this->ExtractArchive($tempfile);


		return $success;

	 * Write Archive
	private function ExtractArchive($archive_path){
		global $langmessage, $dataDir;

		$archive		= new \gp\tool\Archive($archive_path);
		$extract_temp	= $dataDir.\gp\tool\FileSystem::TempFile('/data/_temp/addon');
		if( !$archive->extractTo($extract_temp) ){
			$this->message( $langmessage['download_failed'].' (Package not extracted)' );
			return false;

		//get archive root
		$archive_root		= $archive->GetRoot();
		if( is_null($archive_root) ){
			$this->message( $langmessage['download_failed'].' (Root not found)' );
			return false;

		//rename to source folder
		$rename_from = $extract_temp.'/'.ltrim($archive_root,'/');
		if( !\gp\tool\Files::Replace($rename_from, $this->source) ){
			$this->message( $langmessage['download_failed'].' (Not replaced)' );
			return false;

		return true;

	 * Set config value based on ini setting
	public function UpdateConfigInfo($ini_var,$config_var){

		if( isset($this->ini_contents[$ini_var]) ){
			$this->config[$this->config_key][$config_var] = $this->ini_contents[$ini_var];
		}elseif( isset($this->config[$this->config_key][$config_var]) ){

	 * Add an addon's special links to the configuration
	public function AddToConfig_Special($Special_Links){
		global $gp_index, $gp_titles, $gp_menu, $langmessage;

		$lower_links = array_change_key_case($Special_Links,CASE_LOWER);

		//purge links no longer defined ... similar to PurgeExisting()
		foreach($gp_index as $linkName => $index){

			$linkInfo = $gp_titles[$index];
			if( !isset($linkInfo['addon']) ){

			if( $linkInfo['addon'] !== $this->config_key ){

			if( isset($lower_links[$index]) ){

			if( isset($gp_menu[$index]) ){

		//prepare a list with all titles converted to lower case
		$lower_titles = array_keys($gp_index);
		$lower_titles = array_combine($lower_titles, $lower_titles);
		$lower_titles = array_change_key_case($lower_titles, CASE_LOWER);

		//add new links ... similar to AddToConfig()
		foreach($Special_Links as $new_title => $linkInfo){

			$index = strtolower($new_title);
			$title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($index);

			//if the title already exists, see if we need to update it
			if( $title ){

				$add_link = $this->CanAddLink( $gp_titles[$index] );

				if( !$add_link ){
					$this->message( sprintf($langmessage['addon_key_defined'],' <em>Special_Link: '.$new_title.'</em>') );

				//this will overwrite things like label which are at times editable by users
				//$AddTo[$new_title] = $linkInfo + $AddTo[$new_title];

			// if it doesn't exist, just add it

				// we don't need the Special_ prefix, but we don't want duplicates
				$temp = $new_title = substr($new_title,8);
				$temp_lower = $new_lower = strtolower($new_title);
				$i = 1;
				while( isset($lower_titles[$new_lower]) ){
					$new_lower = $temp_lower.'_'.$i;
					$new_title = $temp.'_'.$i;

				$gp_index[$new_title] = $index;
				$gp_titles[$index] = $linkInfo;


	public function AddHooks(){

		$installed = array();
		foreach($this->ini_contents as $hook => $hook_args){
			if( !is_array($hook_args) ){

			if( strpos($hook,'Gadget:') === 0
				|| strpos($hook,'Admin_Link:') === 0
				|| strpos($hook,'Special_Link:') === 0

			if( $this->AddHook($hook,$hook_args) ){
				$installed[$hook] = $hook;


	public function AddHook($hook,$hook_args){
		global $config;

		$add = array();
		$config['hooks'][$hook][$this->config_key] = $add;

		return true;

	//extract the configuration type (extractArg) from $Install
	public function ExtractFromInstall(&$Install,$extractArg){
		if( !is_array($Install) || (count($Install) <= 0) ){
			return array();

		$extracted = array();
		$removeLength = strlen($extractArg);

		foreach($Install as $InstallArg => $ArgInfo){
			if( strpos($InstallArg,$extractArg) !== 0 ){
			$extractName = substr($InstallArg,$removeLength);
			if( !$this->CheckName($extractName) ){

			$extracted[$extractName] = $ArgInfo;
		return $extracted;

	 * Add to $AddTo
	 * 	Don't add elements already defined by the cms or other addons
	public function AddToConfig(&$AddTo,$New_Config){
		global $langmessage;

		if( !is_array($New_Config) || (count($New_Config) <= 0) ){

		$lower_add_to = array_change_key_case($AddTo,CASE_LOWER);

		foreach($New_Config as $Config_Key => $linkInfo){

			$lower_key = strtolower($Config_Key);

			if( isset($lower_add_to[$lower_key]) ){

				$add_link = $this->CanAddLink( $lower_add_to[$lower_key] );

				if( !$add_link ){
					$this->message( sprintf($langmessage['addon_key_defined'],' <em>'.$Config_Key.'</em>') );

				//this will overwrite things like label which are at times editable by users
				//$AddTo[$Config_Key] = $linkInfo + $AddTo[$Config_Key];

				$AddTo[$Config_Key] = $linkInfo;


	public function CanAddLink( $info ){

		if( !isset($info['addon']) || $this->config_key === false ){
			return false;

		if( $info['addon'] != $this->config_key ){
			return false;
		return true;

	public function UpdateLinkInfo(&$link_array,$new_info){

		unset($link_array['script'], $link_array['data'], $link_array['class'], $link_array['method'], $link_array['value'], $link_array['class_admin']);

		$new_info					+= array('script'=>'','data'=>'','class'=>'','method'=>'','value'=>'','class_admin'=>'');

		$link_array['addon']		= $this->config_key;
		$link_array['class']		= $new_info['class'];
		$link_array['value']		= $new_info['value'];
		$link_array['class_admin']	= $new_info['class_admin'];
		$link_array					= array_filter($link_array);	//remove empty values

		if( !empty($new_info['script']) ){
			$link_array['script'] = $this->addon_folder_rel.'/'.$this->dest_name .'/'.$new_info['script'];

		if( !empty($new_info['data']) ){
			$link_array['data'] = '/data/_addondata/'.$this->data_folder.'/'.$new_info['data'];

		if( !empty($new_info['method']) ){

			$link_array['method'] = $new_info['method'];
			if( strpos($link_array['method'],'::') > 0 ){
				$link_array['method'] = explode('::',$link_array['method']);


	 * Purge Links from $purgeFrom that were once defined for $this->config_key
	public function PurgeExisting(&$purgeFrom,$NewLinks){

		if( $this->config_key === false || !is_array($purgeFrom) ){

		foreach($purgeFrom as $linkName => $linkInfo){
			if( !isset($linkInfo['addon']) ){
			if( $linkInfo['addon'] !== $this->config_key ){

			if( isset($NewLinks[$linkName]) ){



	 * Make sure the extracted links are valid
	public function CleanLinks($links,$prefix,$linkType=null){

		if( !is_array($links) ){
			return array();

		$result = array();
		foreach($links as $linkName => $linkInfo){

			if( !$this->ValidInfo($linkInfo) ){

			if( stripos($linkName,$prefix) !== 0 ){
				$linkName = $prefix.$linkName;

			$result[$linkName] = $linkInfo;

			if( is_string($linkType) ){
				$result[$linkName]['type'] = $linkType;

		return $result;

	 * similar to CleanLinks()
	public function CleanGadgets($gadgets){
		global $gpOutConf, $langmessage, $config;

		if( !is_array($gadgets) ){
			return array();

		$result = array();
		foreach($gadgets as $gadgetName => $gadgetInfo){

			//check against $gpOutConf
			if( isset($gpOutConf[$gadgetName]) ){
				$this->message( sprintf($langmessage['addon_key_defined'],' <em>Gadget: '.$gadgetName.'</em>') );

			//check against other gadgets
			if( isset($config['gadgets'][$gadgetName]) && ($config['gadgets'][$gadgetName]['addon'] !== $this->config_key) ){
				$this->message( sprintf($langmessage['addon_key_defined'],' <em>Gadget: '.$gadgetName.'</em>') );

			if( !$this->ValidInfo($gadgetInfo, false) ){

			$result[$gadgetName] = $gadgetInfo;

		return $result;

	 * Check the info to make sure it has a label and some way of executing code
	public function ValidInfo($info, $require_label = true ){

		if( $require_label && empty($info['label']) ){
			return false;

		$keys = array('class','class_admin','data','method','script');
		foreach($keys as $key){
			if( !empty($info[$key]) ){
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Add gadgets to gpLayouts
	public function AddToHandlers($gadgets){
		global $gpLayouts;

		if( !is_array($gpLayouts) || !is_array($gadgets) ){

		foreach($gpLayouts as $layout => $containers){
			if( !is_array($containers) ){

			if( isset($containers['handlers']['GetAllGadgets']) ){
				$container =& $gpLayouts[$layout]['handlers']['GetAllGadgets'];
				if( !is_array($container) ){
					$container = array();
				$container = array_merge($container,$gadgets);

	public function CheckName($name){

		$test = str_replace(array('.','_',' '),array(''),$name );
		if( empty($test) || !ctype_alnum($test) ){
			$this->message( 'Could not install <em>'.$name.'</em>. Link and gadget names can only contain alphanumeric characters with underscore "_", dot "." and space " " characters.');
			return false;
		return true;

	 * Remove unused code folders created by incomplete addon installations
	public function CleanInstallFolder(){

		if( !$this->remote_install ){

		if( file_exists($this->source) ){

		if( file_exists($this->trash_path) ){

	public function RemoveFromConfig(&$configFrom,$addon){

		if( !is_array($configFrom) ){
		foreach($configFrom  as $key => $value ){
			if( !isset($value['addon']) ){
			if( $value['addon'] == $addon ){
